
From time to time, I share what I learn in my applied research about design and fragile contexts: from service and systemic design topics to new forms of environmental stewardship, social entrepreneurship, or simply what it means living and working in a remote area.

If you’d like me to speak for your audience, please email


Nov 2021 – Jun 2022

Consorzio Friuli Formazione, Udine, Italy

Service design course for Third Sector organizations: remote lectures about research, co-design, and rapid prototyping; in-person seminars to practice and develop individual projects to be pitched in the final, public event.

Mar 2014 – May 2014

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland

Lectures and seminars about design fundamentals and innovative forms of play in the real world (pervasive gaming); mentoring students on project work for their final assignment.

Seminars, speeches, etc.

April 2024

Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino, System-shifting design, Repubblica di San Marino – seminar

November 2023

Pordenonelegge, Mountain stories. Life and work experiences, Pordenone, Italy – panel discussion

September 2023

Festival delle Aree Interne, Young people and inner areas, Tramonti di Sotto, Italy – panel discussion

June 2023

Radio Spazio, “Bandiera Verde” Carovana delle Alpi 2023 award – interviewee

April 2023

Legambiente, Renewable Energy and Social Communities, Tramonti di Sotto & Meduno, Italy – presentations

March 2022

WMware, Design team, Design in the wild frontier – remote talk

March 2022

Fondazione Pietro Pittini, Percorsi Spericolati (1st ed.), A service design primer, Valbruna, Italy – seminar

September 2021

Fondazione Pietro Pittini, Friulan mountains’ innovators – remote talk

May 2021

Università degli Studi di Udine, Cantiere Friuli – Officina Montagna, The “Meduna Valleys” Project Community – remote presentation

January 2021

RAI Friuli Venezia Giulia, The “Meduna Valleys” Project Community: advocacy for the local camping reopening – interviewee

January 2021

Polo Tecnologico di Navacchio & BSD Design, Design for community services – remote lecture

December 2020

Grupo Aval Colombia, Design team, Respond today for the world of tomorrow- remote talk

March 2014

Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, No UX only UX, Reggio Emilia, Italy – seminar

October 2009

Università degli Studi di Siena, Interaction Design Fundamentals, Siena, Italy – seminars